Thursday 17 March 2011

Richard Dawkin's Interview with RevelationTV (thoughts)

(These are just a few quick thoughts on the interview below)

Well that was pretty much what I expected.

That is to not say I didn't enjoy it, and honestly I never get tired of Dawkin's "Are you fucking serious?!" face.  But it is frustrating when everything Dawkins says is treated as equal to religious belief.

Time and time again, Evolution is seen as just another Worldview(to be fair, many Christians and indeed the Roman Catholic church(despite being, quite frankly, a criminal organization) accept evolution).  And time and time again appeals from religious people for a "open and respectful discussion" with scientists and atheists just means "I can disregard what you say but you must regard what I say".

The usual attempts by Dawkins to explain the beautiful mechanism of evolution by natural selection and the ways we can verify it, through the fossil record, DNA and so on, were interrupted by arguments that amounted to nothing more than simply, as usual, "The bible says otherwise".

It seemed that every time Dawkins questioned the validity of genesis (and the bible in general), the host would, instead of answering directly, would just go off on a tangent of how great Jesus was.  And when the camera would pan to Dawkin's face we were treated to another perplexed expression of disbelief at the sheer ignorance of his interviewer.

As I said, I enjoyed this interview as its always fun to see moronic creationists get their intellectual asses kicked(although,sadly,they would undoubtedly believe otherwise).  And I'm sure many people would agree with me on that.

Unfortunately the majority of the regular viewers of "RelevationTV" will, of course, not be swayed whatsoever by Dawkin's appeal to reason.  But I like to think that there is at least one person out there who was led to question, at least, one aspect of their religious faith. One person who has slowly begun the journey that will liberate them from the intellectual prison that is religion. 

For one question will lead to another and that will lead to another and on and on it goes.  Eventually you come to find that there really is nothing to this "God Thing" afterall (I speak from personal experience)  If people are able to come to this conclusion on their own, then the results are much more powerful.

And sometimes all people need is little push in the right direction.  It may take months, hell, it may take years, but as long as the questioning continues, reason will come.

Does that seem right to you?

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