Sunday 20 March 2011

Being "non religious" is the majority in BC

Here's a cool thing.  According to Statistics Canada (a fairly reliable source) the majority of British Columbians reported to be non-religious.  Now I know this is not necessarily new, as the data is taken from 2005, but I know it is somewhat intuitive to think that people with no religious affiliation make up the minority.(see the data HERE)

Indeed,  Catholicism and Protestantism still outrank us in the rest of the country (except the Yukon) and I'm looking at the Maritime provinces right now and its still pretty bad.

But the good news is that 35% of BC has no need for a invisible dictator in the sky.  The Bad news is that atheism, or simply not being religious, does in no way (well, maybe a bit) lead to critical thinking.  While there is a correlation between the two, the fact that you don't believe in a God(s) doesn't prevent you from, say, taking homeopathic medication, sending your  five year old child to a chiropractor, thinking that a "Supermoon" is going to cause Global disasters or playing ultimate Frisbee.(Seriously what the hell is wrong with some people)

Still, its nice to know that, on May 21, 2011, there will be a lot of people to celebrate "Not the end of the World Day"(the supposed day of the rapture and "glorious" return of Zombie Jebus).  If anything it will be a good warm up for 2012's "Not the end of World Day" party.

Does that seem right to you?

 PS. I'm only joking about Ultimate Frisbee.  It is a legitimate and serious sport with a dedicated following of athletic and dedicated people.

Just kidding!  Its a stupid sport for people pretending to be athletic.

Deal with it.

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