Sunday 27 March 2011

"The Banana man" calls...

Well, I just watched the live stream of "The Atheist experience" and I can say that it was one of the most satisfying shows to date.  For this was the show that had a call in by Ray Comfort himself.

For those of you who don't know(and by "those" I mean the two people who I know read this blog) Ray Comfort is an outspoken creationist who hosts "The way of the master" and is known as the "Banana man" to the atheist community(why? check this out).

You can't see the whole episode offline yet but I just wanted to discuss a brilliant analogy of evolution that Matt Dillahunty(the host of the show) made to Ray. 

We can see that the Spanish and French languages originally came from Latin.  We never saw, or would see, a Latin speaking women giving birth to a Spanish speaking child.  Rather we see a slow change from the original Latin language to different forms and dialects until we come to the present day, where we have two separate, but similar, languages  The process is not immediate, nor is it ever stopping.  

I think Matt said it much better, so I'll be sure to post a link to the video when it comes available.  For now, check out "The Atheist Experience" and all the people who make it possible(without pay mind you!). 

Does that seem right to you?

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